2nd Grade Measurement Exit Tickets | 2nd Grade Math Exit Slips Assessments

2nd Grade Measurement Exit Tickets | 2nd Grade Math Exit Slips Assessments


These 50 no prep, differentiated measurement and data math exit slips are the perfect way to assess your students on their knowledge of 2nd grade math skills. 2nd Grade math exit tickets are an easy no-prep way to test their mastery of second grade standards for common core. This set of second grade math exit tickets for measurement and data includes a full answer key!

Looking to save $$$? Get this resource (and four more!) when you buy the bundle! 


・・ A B O U T・ T H I S・ R E S O U R C E・・


What is the focus of this product?

  • This product was designed to give you a quick and easy assessment for students to use at the end of your lesson.  This will give you a quick check into what students know and what students still need to work on.


Why is this product unique?

  • No prep
  • Labeled with standard and ticket level
  • 3 questions per ticket/4 tickets to a page
  • No unnecessary ‘cutesy’ clipart


What do the levels mean?

Each standard has one ticket for each of the following levels:

  • Level A – Basic Questions and Skills
  • Level B – More advanced questions/skills
  • Level C – Most challenging skills and some word problems
  • Level D – Error Analysis
  • Level E – Writing to Explain

Please see the preview to see a sample of each level type.



How can I use this product?

  • Warm Ups
  • Small Group Activities
  • Center Rotations
  • Homework
  • Morning Work
  • Fast Finisher Work
  • Independent Work


Is there any prep required on this product?

  • Just two quick cuts at the paper cutter!


Is an answer key included?

  • Yes!  All tickets are designed to be graded out of 3 points to keep grading easy!




・・・・・ I S I T E D I T A B L E ?・・・・


  • This resource is not editable. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • Fonts and Text
    • Images and Layout