Beginning of the Year Phonics Assessment for Writing Phonics IEP Goals

Beginning of the Year Phonics Assessment for Writing Phonics IEP Goals


This beginning of the year phonics assessment probe is perfect for assessing special education students as you write IEP goals. You know that you have to baseline phonics data in order to write an amazing present level or IEP goal, so grab these baseline phonics assessments in order to help you! Administer this assessment at the beginning, middle and end of the year to show growth and progress. Use to determine areas of strength and weakness to help you write effective IEP goals. And, general education teachers can use this phonics assessment, too! Easily give this phonics test to all of your students to assess their decoding skills!

Looking to save $$$? Get this resource (and four more!) when you buy the bundle! 


・・ A B O U T・ T H I S・ R E S O U R C E・・


What is the purpose of this product?

  • Determine strengths/weaknesses for word families and phonics skills
  • Help write IEP goals
  • Help progress monitor IEP goals and classroom progress


What list do my students start on? When do I stop assessing?

  • This resource is progressive, you can start on list one.
  • You can skip lists if you feel a student already knows the skill.
  • Lists move from least difficult (letter recognition) to most difficult (multisyllabic words)
  • Stop assessments when student makes multiple errors on a list


What skills are included?

  • Please see the preview to see the complete table of contents
  • Some included skills are: letter identification, letter sounds, CVC words, nonsense words, sight words, blends, digraphs, double consonants, CVCe words, long vowels, R-Controlled vowels, multisyllabic words
  • Each assessment includes 10 words per list, per version.


What is included with my purchase?

  • With your purchase you are receiving PDF files of the books. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A DIGITAL DOWNLOAD. NO PHYSICAL HARD COPY OF THE BOOKS WILL BE MAILED TO YOU.


Why are there 2 different book types for each version?

  • Book A:
    • Students read from this version
    • You only need one copy regardless of how many students you are assessing.
    • Each book A is 27 pages long
  • Book B:
    • You mark correct/incorrect responses
    • You will need one copy for each student you are assessing
    • Each book B is 10 pages long


How do I prep this product?

  • Laminate covers
  • Options to create books: staple pages, binders, paper clips, binder rings, binding machine


How do I grade the assessments?

  • Sample graded page is included
  • Graded out of 10 points
  • Mark errors, guesses, and/or concepts the student is fluent with


・・・・・ I S I T E D I T A B L E ?・・・・


  • No, this resource is not editable. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • Fonts and Text
    • Images and Layout

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