No Prep Food Webs – Modified Science for Special Education Adapted Science Units

No Prep Food Webs – Modified Science for Special Education Adapted Science Units


This adapted special education science unit means it’s no longer challenging to teach a modified science class. Now you can easily teach food webs and ecosystems to your special education students with this differentiated and adapted science unit! Perfect for science inclusion classrooms, each activity has been thoughtfully scaffolded to meet your learning goals while providing the supports students need. Don’t worry about modifying your district curriculum, use this is as a needed support for science differentiation.



・・ A B O U T・ T H I S・ R E S O U R C E・・


What is the purpose of this resource?

Inclusion is hard. Teachers don’t have the time to create and modify materials for every learner. Let me take that off your plate with this differentiated resource! Teach the content from your required curriculum and then use this as a supplement in an inclusion classroom.


If you need a resource that:

  • is differentiated, but not ‘baby-ish’
  • is rigorous, but not overly complicated
  • is no prep (other than printing and copying)
  • has opportunities for students to use math, reading, and writing while working on science content
  • and includes extension options of ‘Try It Out’ activities

Then this is the resource for you!


What is included with my purchase?

  • Unit Outline showing the 7 topics that will be covered in this packet
  • 4 versions of differentiated notes for each of the 7 topics
  • Options of various worksheets and activities that go with the topics
  • Answer Keys


Which 8 topics will be covered?

I’ve pulled out the most important content for students to know when learning about food webs. Students will be exposed these topics:

  • Introduction to Ecosystems
  • Producers, Consumers, Decomposers
  • Energy Flow in Ecosystems and Food Chains
  • Food Chains and Food Webs
  • Predators and Prey
  • Herbivores, Carnivores, and Omnivores
  • Humans and the Food Web


Is there a lesson plan included?

  • Short answer: no.
  • Long answer: no, because:
    • I wanted teachers to have flexibility. You can do the activities in any order. This makes it so easy to use it with your district provided curriculum!
    • This set of materials is just a resource, it is not a curriculum. You know your students best so you’ll know which activities are going to be more challenging than others and will need more support. And, you’ll also be able to determine which pages aren’t appropriate for your learners!



・・・・・ I S I T E D I T A B L E ?・・・・


  • No, this resource is not editable. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • Fonts and Text
    • Images and Layout