Special Education Life Skills Task Boxes for Spec Ed Number Sense Task Box

Special Education Life Skills Task Boxes for Spec Ed Number Sense Task Box


This task box of number sense activities is exactly what your classroom needs! Special education task boxes are an important part of every special education classroom. These task box materials are the perfect way to quickly and easily fill your task boxes. Students will learn basic life skills and foundational skills by using these task boxes. Full color and line art options are available, as well as teacher tips, recording sheets and more!


・・ A B O U T・ T H I S・ R E S O U R C E・・


What is the purpose of this product?

  • Practice matching different forms of numbers 1-20
  • Standard Form
  • Word Form
  • Picture
  • Tally Marks
  • Tens Frame


How do I use this product?

  • Cut the pieces and place in a box.
  • Students will select pieces from the box to match the pieces together.


What is included with my purchase?

  • Read First File
    • Labels, directions, comment sheets, and storage suggestions are all found here
  • 40 page student file
    • All student materials are found here (line art and full color versions)


Is this in full color?

  • All student pages are available in full color and black and white.


How much prep is involved in this product?

  • You will need to print and cut the cards. All cuts are straight line cuts, so grab a paper cutter and you’ll be done in no time! Lamination is highly recommended.


How do I store this product?

You can store these materials however you want. Suggested storage ideas are:

  • Manilla envelopes
  • Small plastic storage boxes
  • Ziploc baggies


What else does this product need?

  • This product requires no additional materials. I like to use fillers (sand, beads, rice, noodles, etc) to fill the boxes so students have to dig around a little to find their cards.


・・・・・ I S I T E D I T A B L E ?・・・・


  • No, this resource is not editable. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • Fonts and Text
    • Images and Layout